Welcome to High Impact Policy Review by me, Arushi Gupta. Sign up now so you don’t miss the next issue!
High-Impact Policy Review (HIPR) is a biweekly newsletter by Arushi Gupta about high-impact U.S. policies and policy areas. I started this newsletter because I realized that being constantly inundated with political news made it hard to understand what really mattered, and that many issues receive far less coverage than they deserve, given the impact they will have. For example, although the U.S. is one of the largest foreign aid donors and approximately 10 percent of the world population lives in extreme poverty (on less than $1.90 a day!), we rarely talk about the foreign aid decisions that can and do change their lives completely.
This biweekly (every 2 weeks) newsletter will (i) provide updates on U.S. policies relevant to potentially high-impact cause areas, such as foreign aid, farmed animal welfare, and criminal justice reform and (ii) inform you of potentially high-impact U.S. policy opportunities that I see around. I’ll do my best to cover the most neglected and important policy news I become aware of — the decisions that impact a large number of individuals (human or non-human), but which don’t always reach the front-page headlines. For that reason, I won’t always include the biggest news, unless it’s very important, because it’s likely stuff you’re already hearing about!
This site also contains some of my favorite resources for how to get involved, professionally or casually, in high-impact policymaking. For full disclosure, I’m not an expert on all the policy areas explored on this site, so some smart friends who are experts in their respective policy areas deserve at least partial credit for some of the news I highlight!
Do you have an idea or feedback for HIPR’s site or newsletter?
Do you have news or opportunities you want me to include in the next newsletter?
Are you interested in being involved in high-impact policy, but aren’t sure where to start? (I might not either but I can try and help!)
Email me at hello@highimpactpolicy.review.
HIPR is also available as an RSS feed.